Methylparaben, an antiseptic and preservative agent, widely used in cosmetics and skin care products. Research indicates that this ingredient also advances the aging process in skin cells when exposed to UV rays, causing wrinkles and liver spots. It is included in powders and lotions for its high antibacterial effects. The agent ironically is used in products intended to
reduce the skin’s exposure to ultraviolet rays, such as sunscreen.
Researchers at the Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine conducted a study to determine side effects from normal use of the agent, which has been deemed safe under government standards. The researchers added methylparaben to skin cells in a density similar to that used in products. The skin cells were then exposed to about 30 millijoules of ultraviolet rays per
square centimeter, about the average daily amount on a summer day. The study revealed almost three times more damage on the skin where the Methylparaben had been applied Professor Yoshikawa who conducted this study noted that the findings confirm that Methyl-
paraben, when exposed to ultraviolet rays, advances the aging process in skin cells.